Let’s apply some of the tools we’ve seen so far to make some more sophisticated visualizations. These will include using vector data from a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
, constructing both static plots and dynamic views from a 3D array, and combining vector data and raster data.
As context, the files we’ll examine are based on the 2022 McKinney widfire in Klamath National Forest (western Siskiyou County, California). The vector data is a snapshot of the boundary of a wildfire; the raster data corresponds to the observed land surface disturbance of vegetation (this will be explained in greater detail later).
Preliminary imports and file paths¶
To begin, some typical package imports are needed. We’ll also define some paths to local files containing relevant geospatial data.
from warnings import filterwarnings
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, xarray as xr
import geopandas as gpd
import rioxarray as rio
# Imports for plotting
import hvplot.pandas, hvplot.xarray
import geoviews as gv
from geoviews import opts
FILE_STEM = Path.cwd().parent if 'book' == Path.cwd().parent.stem else 'book'
ASSET_PATH = Path(FILE_STEM, 'assets')
SHAPE_FILE = ASSET_PATH / 'shapefiles' / 'mckinney' / 'McKinney_NIFC.shp'
Plotting vector data from a GeoDataFrame
The GeoPandas package contains many useful tools for working with vector geospatial data. In particular, the GeoPandas GeoDataFrame
is a subclass of the Pandas DataFrame that is specifically tailored for vector data stored in, e.g., shapefiles.
As an example, let’s load some vector data from the local path SHAPEFILE
(as defined above).
shape_df = gpd.read_file(SHAPE_FILE)
The object shape_df
is a GeoDataFrame
that has over two dozen columns of metadata in a single row. The main column that concerns us is the geometry
column; this column stores the coordinates of the vertices of a MULTIPOLYGON
, i.e., a set of polygons.
The vertices of the polygons seem to be expressed as (longitude, latitude)
pairs. We can verify what specific coordinate system is used by examining the GeoDataFrame
’s crs
Let’s use hvplot
to generate a plot of this vector dataset.
The projection in this plot is a bit strange. The HoloViz documentation includes a discussion of considerations when plotting geographic data; the salient point to remember in this immediate context is that the option geo=True
is useful.
Let’s create two Python dictionaries—shapeplot_opts
& layout_opts
—and build up a visualization.
shapeplot_opts= dict(geo=True)
layout_opts = dict(xlabel='Longitude', ylabel="Latitude")
We can augment the plot by updating shapeplot_opts
- Specifying
means that the polygons will not be filled. - Specifying
modifies the appearance of the boundaries of the polygons.
shapeplot_opts.update( color=None ,
Let’s fill the polygons with, say, color=orange
and make the filled area partially transparent by specifying an alpha
value between zero and one.
shapeplot_opts.update(color='orange', alpha=0.25)
Adding a basemap¶
Next, let’s provide a basemap and overlay the plotted polygons using the *
operator. Notice the use of parentheses to apply the opts
method to the output of the *
basemap = gv.tile_sources.ESRI(height=500, width=500, padding=0.1)
(shape_df.hvplot(**shapeplot_opts) * basemap).opts(**layout_opts)
The basemap does not need to be overlayed as as separate object; it can be specified using the tiles
keyword. For instance, setting tiles='OSM'
uses OpenStreetMap tiles instead. Notice the dimensions of the image rendered are likely not the same as the previous image with the ESRI tiles because we explicitly specified height=500
& width=500
in defining basemap
Let’s remove the tiles
option from shapeplot_opts
and bind the resulting plot object to the identifier shapeplot
del shapeplot_opts['tiles']
shapeplot = shape_df.hvplot(**shapeplot_opts)
Combining vector data with raster data in a static plot¶
Let’s combine this vector data with some raster data. We’ll load raster data from a local file using the function rioxarray.open_rasterio
. For convenience, we’ll use method-chaining to relabel the coordinates of the DataArray
loaded and use the squeeze
method to convert the three-dimensional array loaded into a two-dimensional array.
raster = (
.rename(dict(x='longitude', y='latitude'))
We’ll use a Python dictionary image_opts
to store useful keyord arguments to pass to hvplot.image
image_opts = dict(
clim=(0, 100),
We can overlay shapeplot
with the plotted raster data using the *
operator. We can use the Pan
, Wheel Zoom
, and Box Zoom
tools in the Bokeh toolbar to the right of the plot to zoom in and verify that the vector data has in fact been plotted on top of the raster data.
raster.hvplot.image(**image_opts) * shapeplot
We can additionally overlay the vector & raster data onto ESRI tiles using basemap
raster.hvplot.image(**image_opts) * shapeplot * basemap
Notice many of the white pixels are obscuring the plot. It turns out that these pixels correspond to zeros in the raster data that can safely be ignored. We can filter those out using the where
raster = raster.where((raster!=0))
layout_opts.update(title="McKinney 2022 Wildfires")
(raster.hvplot.image(**image_opts) * shapeplot * basemap).opts(**layout_opts)
Constructing static plots from a 3D array¶
Let’s load a sequence of raster files into a three-dimensional array and produce some plots. To start, we’ll construct a loop to read DataArrays
from the files RASTER_FILES
and we’ll use xarray.concat
to produce a single three-dimensional array of rasters (i.e., three rasters stacked vertically). We’ll learn the specific interpretations associated with the raster dataset in a later notebook; for now, let’s just treat them as raw data to experiment with.
stack = []
for path in RASTER_FILES:
data = rio.open_rasterio(path).rename(dict(x='longitude', y='latitude'))
band_name = path.stem.split('_')[-1]
data.coords.update({'band': [band_name]})
data.attrs = dict(description=f"OPERA DIST product", units=None)
stack = xr.concat(stack, dim='band')
stack = stack.where(stack!=0)
We relabel the axes longitude
& latitude
and we filter out pixels with value zero to make plotting simpler later.
Having built the DataArray
, we can focus on visualization.
If we want to generate a static plot with several images laid out, we can use hvplot.image
together with the .layout
method. To see how this works, let’s start by redefining dictionaries image_opts
and layout_opts
image_opts = dict( x='longitude',
layout_opts = dict(xlabel='Longitude', ylabel="Latitude")
To speed up rendering, we’ll initially construct an object view
that selects subsets of pixels; we initially define the parameter steps=200
to restrict the view to every 200th pixel in either direction. If we reduce steps
, it takes longer to render. Setting steps=1
or steps=None
is equivalent to selecting all pixels.
steps = 200
subset = slice(0, None, steps)
layout_opts.update(frame_width=250, frame_height=250)
view = stack.isel(latitude=subset, longitude=subset)
The layout
method by default plotted each of the three rasters selected along the band
axis horizontally.
Constructing a dynamic view from a 3D array¶
Another way to visualize a three-dimensional array is to associate a selection widget with one of the axes. If we call hvplot.image
without appending the .layout
method, the result is a dynamic map. In this instance, the selection widget allows us to choose slices from along the band
Again, increasing the parameter steps
reduces the rendering time. Decreasing it to 1
or None
renders at full resolution.
steps = 200
subset = slice(0, None, steps)
layout_opts.update(frame_height=400, frame_width=400)
view = stack.isel(latitude=subset, longitude=subset)
Later, we’ll stack many rasters with distinct timestamps along a time
axis; when there are many slices, the selection widget will be rendered as a slider rather than as a drop-down menu. We can control the location of the widget using a keyword option widget_location
view.hvplot.image(widget_location='bottom_left', **image_opts, **layout_opts)
Notice adding the widget_location
option does slightly modify the sequence in which options are specified. That is, if we invoke something like
view.hvplot.image(widget_location='top_left', **image_opts).opts(**layout_opts)
an exception is raised (hence the invocation in the code cell above). There are some subtle difficulties in working out the correct sequence to apply options when customizing HoloViz/Hvplot objects (mainly due to the ways in which namespaces overlap with Bokeh or other rendering back-ends). The best strategy is to start with as few options as possible and to experiment by incrementally adding options until we get the final visualization we want.
Combining vector data with raster data in a dynamic view¶
Finally, let’s overlay our vector data from before—the boundary of the wildfire—with the dynamic view of this three-dimensional array of rasters. We can use the *
operator to combine the output of hvplot.image
with shapeplot
, the rendered view of the vector data.
steps = 200
subset = slice(0, None, steps)
view = stack.isel(latitude=subset, longitude=subset)
layout_opts.update(frame_height=500, frame_width=500)
(view.hvplot.image(**image_opts) * shapeplot).opts(**layout_opts)
Again, getting the options specified correctly can take a bit of experimentation. The important ideas to take away here are:
- how to load relevant datasets with
; and - how to use
interactively & incrementally to produce compelling visualizations.